
Atheists, too, must sneeze

As mentioned in my last and most recent post, I recently rejoined the ranks of the working, piloting my desk, computer, and phone to new heights of time wasting and getting paid to fold origami while I talk to various people on the phone..... Yes, I work in a cube. Yes, I have 5 other people in nearby cubes. There are various plants on desks, and an air conditioning system that works like crazy to make my days as freezingly cold as possible. (Yes, I know freezingly is not a real world...)Whether it be the people, the plants, or the ridiculous AC, I find myself sneezing at least 4 or 5 times a day at my desk.

Usually, I reach for a tissue right as I'm about to sneeze, and afterwards, much in the way you might pardon yourself if you'd just hacked and coughed for a few moments, I am in the habit of saying, "Excuse me."

Normally, I don't have an issue with this. My significant other and I lead a nice quiet life, and when one of us sneezes, we either don't say anything at all, or we say, "Excuse me."
Now, I find myself being bombarded by the blessings of their god not once, not twice, but by at least three times. There are three separate people who immediately shout out, "God bless you!" every time I sneeze. Even if it's twice, thrice, or even four times in a row, there's a man who will spout out the blessing for each individual sneeze.

Don't get me wrong here. I enjoy the company of my cube mates very much. I was indeed lucky to be placed on such a fine team at my new place of employment. I also understand that they are merely performing in a way that they believe to be polite.

It does, however, get me thinking every time it happens. Sneezing is a physical process, much like coughing. Both processes generally involve something foreign or out of place in your body, and your body is simply trying to correct the situation. However, if I were to stand next to you, cough a couple times, and not say, "Oh, my. Pardon me," I would be performing in a generally rude fashion. But if I sneeze! Ho, ho! Now you must not only forgive the fact that I've released several airborne particles into your general vicinity, but you feel the need to wish the blessings of your deity upon me?

All in all, the practice weirds me out more than it offends me. Yes, I still excuse myself, and I do thank my coworkers for their kind wishes. I understand that it's done with good intent. No, my soul is not trying to escape through my nose.

What does really get to me after days and weeks of being constantly 'blessed' is the all around pervasiveness of the Christian faith. Not only this, but the particular in-your-face pervasiveness of American Christians. If you sneeze in Germany or Italy, you're not blessed, but instead wished good health, a nod to the fact that the underlying cause of a sneeze is something bodily, and might mean the onset of exposure or the consumption, or perhaps even the common cold. In America, however, it seems that 'God' is in my face all the time. If you'll pardon my slang, he/she/it is all up in my grille. (I honestly couldn't resist that...) Spirituality is, in my humble opinion, something that should be personal, private, or at the very least, confined to gigantic super churches with your closest 500 friends. There is no need for your religion to affect my life, and vice versa, there is no reason my lack of religion should affect yours.

This is something I have never understood about the christian faith, even when I considered myself a part of that faith. Spirituality, even if you don't consider it to be something that should be kept private, there has to be a major portion of it that is private. (And if there isn't, then...... I'm a lot more terrified of Christians as I initially thought...) If I remember correctly from my christian tenure, most of it is centered around a concern for the eternal disposition of your soul. What I've never understood is this overwhelming need to be concerned, not only for your christian soul, but for my soul as well. Is your own soul not important enough to keep you occupied? Can you not be satisfied knowing that your own place in heaven is secure? Why does my place there need to be a concern of yours? If I understand the concept of heaven proper, if you wanted me there, there would be some manifestation of me there.

This is a complaint that I know can swing back the other way and hit me right in the ass. My biggest general human population complaint, which goes into full blown shouting road rage while driving the streets of Phoenix, AZ, is that everyone is so fucking concerned with their own lives and where they need to be that they endanger my life in the process. However, the one place in my life that I wish everyone would just concentrate on their own shit is religion. I'm not broadcasting my atheism or trying to convert the believers to nonbelievers so that our blood can flow through the streets and rivers. Please leave the fate of my eternal soul to my own doing.

And please stop blessing me for releasing my germs and spit into the air around your face.

The Lost Atheist

Once, during a long hot summer, I was unemployed, and in my lonely night hours, I decided to put my atheistic thoughts and feelings into a deep and meaningful blog, perhaps recording years of my experiences as a maturing free thinker... Then I got a job, and somehow completely lost track of the project. Instead, I found myself with new people to talk to, and to rant to, and to generally have long meaningful conversations with. And then, one sunny afternoon, I came home to find my significant other in front of the computer, excited to tell me about his new blog.

"Wait one second," I thought to myself, "I, too, have a blog. Whatever happened to that old thing?"

Lo! And behold! Here is was, waiting for me! With a comment! And followers?! Wow, I must be a huge disappointment to them. Terribly sorry, folks. I do intend to do better in the near future.

So, once more, the little, lost atheist is found again, so to be tucked safe and sound in wrapping text of indignity and self righteousness. I can't wait!


Silly atheist, camp is for Christians

I was doing some research yesterday while I trying to think of a clever name for this little experiment, and I found an interesting article. It seems Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist, prominent atheist, and author has helped to set up a summer camp designed for atheistic or free thinking children.

This is, by far, one of the most amazing things I've heard of in a good long while. I grew up as a catholic and went to Girl Scout camp as a young girl. Of course, as a young child, I hadn't yet developed to the point of questioning the things my parents and community taught me, and so, I had no problem at the time with going to a christian camp. Indeed, I loved it. We rode horses, did crafts, sang songs. Thinking back on it, it was mostly the songs that showed that the camp had any christian basis. Sure, we prayed before meals, but rituals like that often lose their meaning for an excited young girl at camp. The songs, however, are what I remember containing the most christian influence. The singing started on the bus, on the trip to camp. I don't know what Girl Scout camp is like in other parts of the nation, but where I grew up, it involved a long bus ride into the mountains. The entirety of the trip was spent singing various song, many of a christian nature, i.e., 'He's got the whole world in His hands'.

I'd never really thought about camp as having a religious undertone. Really, I'd never really thought about the religious undertone of a lot of things... I'm sure to expound on that subject quite a bit throughout this experiment. This religious undertone seems innocent enough on it's own, but when it's compiled with the rest of life in a christian majority, it seems like a kind of brainwashing. That is a topic big enough for it's own post however... perhaps tomorrow.

Reading about this new kind of free thinker's camp engenders a certain amount of jealousy in me. I'm very much a big kid at heart. I still play video games, put together legos and puzzles, watch cartoons, etc. The idea of going to summer camp for atheists makes me a little giddy. Of course, 20-somethings aren't allowed at camps, but besides that, it's full.

There is one item in the article that is a bit of an indignity. It is nothing to do with the camp itself, but, inevitably, the christian response to such a camp.

"We would defend the right for anyone to set up an event like this, as long as the young people are happy to attend, but in his imitation of the type of youth events that religious groups have been running for years, Dawkins makes atheism look even more like the thing he is rallying against."

Well, fuck. The christians don't want us atheists to let our children get together in the wilderness and go hiking, and barbecue over campfires, and do arts and crafts. Why? Because they did it first. Perhaps we shouldn't break bread together either, or get together on Sundays? Perhaps the christans should be doing those things either, since there were people doing them long before they came around. I'm fairly sure camping was a secular activity before christians started running summer camps.

I have a different opinion on the nature of these atheistic activities though. I have no children of my own, but I do have several nephews and a niece, a couple of whom are being brought up by my sister and her husband, both of whom are atheists also. I can imagine what might happen in a few years, when my niece wants to know why she can't go to summer camp like her friends who are in the Scouts. Who knows, perhaps my niece might be independent enough to handle being around a group of girls singing songs about what she doesn't believe in without being uncomfortable. But we all know how mean kids can be, hell, how mean people of all ages can be. They're mean enough about things like looks and accents (which my niece will have) and many more inconsequential things. Maybe my sister won't want her daughter ridiculed and teased.

Of course, a counter to this might be that my sister, or any atheist for that matter might not want their children exposed to a christian summer camp for the sheer fact that it is christian. But, when realizing that children are exposed to christianity so blatantly on a daily basis, why would one more week out of the summer matter. Think about it. I'm sure I'll expand on this more later.

Likewise, in note to my comment about brainwashing above: I hardly think that an atheistic summer camp falls under the same category. While christian camps teach that God exists, this new atheist summer camp teaches children to decide for themselves. Perhaps you might think that it is possible to 'brainwash' someone into thinking for themselves, but there is an inherent contradiction in that. Brainwashing involves some sort of indoctrination, re-education them to a certain set of beliefs. Free-thinkers, however, get to decide for themselves what they want to believe.

In the mindset of the majority, it is easy to wonder why other group set up activities and events so similar to their own. If they're not part of your majority, why do they want to imitate it? Perhaps it is so their own children can go to camp just like the christian kids. Perhaps it's not that those activities are things that just the christians like to do, but things that every group of people likes to do, like getting together and breaking bread, or sharing their ideas, or toasting marshmallows on sticks.


The most distrusted person in America

I thought about calling this blog 'Atheists Eat Babies', but I wasn't sure everyone would get the joke. I guess I'll just consider that as my unofficial title. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I suppose this is just my way dealing with things, instead of yelling at the TV. Hopefully I'll be able to refrain from simply ranting, and present my thoughts in a fashion that holds true to the logic and rationalism on which my atheism depends.

Often times as an atheist in our, well, let me be frank here, very Christian society, sometimes it does indeed feel like everyone prays but me. Maybe I shouldn't say Christian society. Certainly, the majority of Americans are Christian, but an even bigger majority are simply religious. I've been more and more aware of being part of this minority lately. Perhaps I'm simply becoming more confident in my atheism, perhaps my armor of apathy is getting old and worn out. Whatever the reasons, I've decided to put my feelings, discussions, arguments, and maybe the occasional rant into this electronic medium.

'Why distrusted.blogspot.com?' you might be asking yourself. Well I heard an interesting statement recently. According to some polls done in the not-to-distant past, somewhere around 2006, atheists are the most distrusted people in America. The thought had never really occurred to me before. I'm a fairly trusting person. I've never really thought about whom I trust the least... If I had thought of it before hand, I might have guessed that Americans distrusted Arabs the least, or maybe a less racial and more religious answer might be Muslims. Don't get me wrong, I distrust neither Arabs nor Muslims. Perhaps I have a low opinion of my fellow countrymen, but with issues such as racial profiling, 9-11, the war on terror, et cetera, either one might be a plausible answer. Similarly, it could have been gays and lesbians at the bottom of the list, considering the hot issue of gay marriage. Once again, do not misread me here. I am certainly not prejudiced against anyone due to sexual orientation, but again, this might have been a plausible answer.

However, it turns out that atheists are the least trusted out of all Americans. Most Americans don't want us atheists marrying their children, running for office, or doing, well, just about anything that affects them.

I most certainly would have ended up in at least one of the categories on the list of distrusted Americans. Indeed, I find myself on that list more than once. But what's coming in 4th or 5th most distrusted for any other issue compared to being the most distrusted for being an atheist.

I've decided to take on this moniker with a certain amount of dignity, perhaps even pride. I've never been the best at anything, nor the 'most -adjective-' of anything. Who knows, maybe I'll enjoy being the most distrusted person in America.

American Sociological Association